Why CapSolver
Cheapest and fastest automatic captcha-solving service with reCAPTCHA and other types of captchas . At least 2 times cheaper and 30 times faster than manual services.
Why use Capsolver as a captcha solver
With a strong price-quality ratio and some of the lowest prices on the market, Capsolver is a contemporary captcha solution service. Users may also earn money back for their referral system. Their API is simple to use and supports a variety of captcha types.
The technical assistance is helpful, and the usage of tickets for scheduling support enables Capsolver.com to treat each customer equitably while monitoring progress and ensuring that everything functions as it should.
Captchas take a long time to complete, especially for those who are still learning how to use them. One need not be concerned about how to solve captcha while using Capsolver. Everything is completed quickly and precisely for you.
How does CapSolver want to solve the problem for its users
CapSolver now provides image recognition services to customers through artificial intelligence and machine learning. The purpose of their work is to make everyone’s life and work easier through their products, and their goal is to use artificial intelligence in more areas, expanding possibilities in technology driven environments.
What detailed services does CapSolver provide
CapSolver offers the most comprehensive captcha recognition service on the market, covering basically every captcha type. You can solve all your needs here, and they promise to update every day.
Service list:
- reCAPTCHA v2/v3
- reCAPTCHA v3 Enterprise
- ImageToText
- Geetest v3/v4
- MtCaptcha
- AwsWafCaptcha
Many more…