Our position & Report abuse

Our position & Report abuse

Capsolver’s services strictly prohibit any user from engaging in purposes that infringe the interests of others, including but not limited to cybercrime, cracking, and fraudulent. Capsolver is committed to helping start-up companies with more powerful AI algorithms to do SEO, AD verification, benign crawlers and other business growth scenarios, helping them save budget.

Report abuse to us - for Infringed companies

If someone uses our services to infringe on your interests in an illegal way, please contact us immediately, once the case is true, we will stop their services and provide the information we have, and do our best to help you recover your losses.

Compliance statement

CapSolver takes firm action against illegal or non-compliant use of CapSolver’s captcha solving service and will assist law enforcement agencies in investigating potential misuse of the CapSolver network. The use of the CapSolver network for illegal, fraudulent, or abusive activities is strictly prohibited , and any such suspicious activities will be investigated. Prohibited activities include (but are not limited to):

  • Any form of DDoS attacks.
  • Any form of spamming: the mass posting of any emails/comments/IRC messages and images.
  • Any form of advertising fraud or click fraud.
  • Impersonation or deceptive fraud purposes.
  • Any form of creating fake accounts or content.
  • Any form of Reselling CapSolver service.